Providing Professional Development and Mentorship for Sign Language Interpreters
LAF SLS provides our sign language interpreters with opportunities for professional development. Our EIPA Prep Course is one way that we help interpreters reach the goal of being EIPA certified. The course is tailored to assist each sign language interpreter in reaching their specific goals. Find out more by watching below...
[Kelly Harris]. LAF SLS provides professional development and mentorship for our interpreters. Here's just one example.
[Aleah] Hi, this is Aleah and I've been an Educational Interpreter for a little
over four years now. I started preparing to take the BEI in 2019 and the EIPA exam in 2021.
The EIPA prep course offered by LAF SLS was a huge help because one, it helped me know test taking strategies. I was also able to get one-on-one
personalized feedback. They were able to review my videos and see what I can improve on, and it also helped me boost my confidence with test taking because I had test taking anxiety. And this course helped me to be prepared by knowing what to expect when taking the EIPA also knowing what mode I felt most comfortable in and wanted to work on. And even feeling confident in areas that I needed more focus. And as a result, I was able to pass the BEI and score highly on the performance exam.
Now, I look forward to broadening my opportunities, working with different
states where they require those specific scores or certifications in order to assist their students with the best quality. So thank you, LAF SLS for this EIPA prep course.
[Kelly Harris]. Our goal is to provide high quality interpreting services.
If you'd like a highly qualified, professional interpreter on your team, then please contact us at or call us at (337)Â 573-0509 and be sure to Schedule a Meeting.